Landgoed Hoenderdaell Visitor regulations

At Landgoed Hoenderdaell, the following visitor regulations are in force.
Article 1. Definitions
The following concepts are used in these visitor regulations:
- Hoenderdaell: The foundation ‘Landgoed Hoenderdaell’ that owns the Landgoed Hoenderdaell in Anna Paulowna (Van Ewijckskade 1).
- The estate: The fenced area on which the estate and the animal park are located. The zoo is operated by Landgoed Hoenderdaell B.V. (‘the operator’).
- Visitor: Anyone who is on the estate – with or without the consent of Hoenderdaell.
- Regulations: These visitor regulations.
Article 2. Applicability
By entering the estate, the visitor accepts the applicability of the Regulations. The Rules of Procedure are also linked to every sale – or issue – of an admission ticket or a subscription.
Article 3. Parking
The same traffic rules apply in the parking lot of the estate as on the public road. The speed limit on the terrain is 5 km per hour and cars coming from the right should therefore be given priority. Instructions from the parking supervisors must always be followed. It is not allowed to move the traffic cones in any way. It is not allowed to park the car at other places than at the place indicated (by the parking supervisors).
If the traffic rules and/or instructions are not followed or are not followed correctly, Hoenderdaell is entitled to remove the car from the site at the expense and risk of the car owner.
Parking the car in the parking lot, or outside the park, is entirely at your own risk. Hoenderdaell advises visitors to close the car properly, including the windows. Hoenderdaell also advises not to leave valuables in the car. In the event of theft or destruction of the visitor’s car or other property, Hoenderdaell does not accept any liability. This also applies if damage is caused by storm, fire, hail, explosion or other extraordinary circumstances.
The use of the disabled parking spaces is only permitted in combination with a valid disabled card. The use of the electric charging parking spaces is only allowed for electric cars that charge.
Article 4. Admission
- The estate is open daily from sunrise to sunset throughout the year. The animal park is open daily from 09:30 all year round. In summer, the zoo closes at 5:30PM, in winter time at 5PM. Some buildings close earlier due to work, safety and rest for animals. Different times apply to visitors to events and meetings. Hoenderdaell reserves the right to adjust the opening hours.
- Access to the animal park is only permitted with a valid admission ticket, which is (remains) valid only on the day of use or a valid season ticket. The admission ticket must be shown to one of the staff present upon entering the animal park. The visitor must keep the admission ticket during the visit and show it at the request of an employee. When the visitor leaves the animal park, the right of access to the animal park expires. Only in special cases that have been consulted with one of the staff may the animal park be re-entered.
- If it is found by one of our employees that (i) visitors are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics or (ii) visitors intend or appear to intend to otherwise disturb the order on the estate or harass other visitors or the animals, they will immediately be refused access to the estate or these persons may be removed from the estate.
Article 5. Enforcement
Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator) is entitled to remove the visitor concerned or to deny access to the estate or the animal park in the event of a violation or well-founded fear of violation of these Regulations. Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator) can also do anything that Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator) deems necessary and/or subservient in this regard, including reporting to the police.
Article 6. Prohibitions
It is prohibited without the express permission of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator):
- a. be in the animal park without a valid admission ticket and proof of identity;
- b. to enter the estate outside the designated paths, corridors, living areas and playing fields;
- c. to enter animal enclosures or beyond the ‘unenclosed zone’ indicated at an animal enclosure;
- d. disturb, feed, tap on windows and fences of animal enclosures and/or deposit objects in animal enclosures;
- e. stabbing or moving body parts or objects through, over, in or under (fences of) animal enclosures;
- f. to appropriate, destroy or damage items belonging to Hoenderdaell (or to the operator) or otherwise present on the estate or in the animal park, including animals, as well as remove them from the estate;
- g. to use items present on the estate (or in the animal park) in a different way than for which the nature and establishment are intended, at the discretion of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator);
- h. to move by means of rolling material such as bicycles, skateboards and inline skates. Excluding wheelchairs, strollers, walkers and mobility scooters. Balance bikes used as aids related to disability are permitted;
- i. bring or admit animals on the estate, or take animals from the estate;
- j. to behave or dress offensively, to dress up in animal costume or carnival suit, to get rid of upper and/or lower clothing, to cause noise, to cause (noise) nuisance or otherwise to disturb the order on the estate and/or in the animal park, all this at the discretion of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator);
- k. hinder employees of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator) and volunteers by word and/or deed in the performance of their tasks and activities or making this more difficult for them, at the discretion of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator);
- l. deposit waste outside the waste bins indicated for that purpose;
- m. offer goods for sale;
- n. bring balls, balloons, narcotics, dangerous or nuisance substances and things, or weapons to the estate;
- o. enter the estate under the influence of alcohol or narcotics;
- p. use photographic, video, film, sound and other recording equipment, unless intended for private and non-business use;
- q. make fire or otherwise directly or indirectly endanger the safety of visitors and/or animals on the estate and/or in the animal park, at the discretion of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator). There is a smoking ban for all locations in the animal park (this also applies to the e-cigarette). Smoking is only allowed on the designated smoking areas at the catering points;
- r. approach visitors to the estate or animal park for signatures for any purpose, recruitment and/or sampling;
- s. commit criminal offences or otherwise engage in socially inappropriate behaviour, at the discretion of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator).
Article 7. Obligation provisions
- a. Every visitor is obliged to show a valid admission and identity document at the request of the employees of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator).
- b. In the context of general safety, every visitor is obliged to allow the employees of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator) to examine (hand) luggage carried by the visitor, or to carry out a security search.
- c. All warning signs, as well as instructions and instructions from Hoenderdaell staff (and/or the operator), must be strictly and promptly observed.
- d. Groups of school children must be accompanied at all times by sufficient supervisors.
- e. No shouting and/or running is allowed in buildings on the estate and/or in the animal park.
- f. Every visitor is obliged to allow Hoenderdaell to make images and sound recordings on the site. The visitor will not object to the use or revelation of his portrait/likeness by Hoenderdaell, nor will he demand any financial compensation for this.
- g. No faster than 5 km per hour must be driven in the car park.
Article 8. Safety
- a. The fire brigade regulations – and the instructions of external emergency services and/or of employees of Hoenderdaell and the operator – must be followed at all times. It is forbidden to make fire. Smoking in the buildings on the estate is not allowed. Visitors should use the marked paths for their walk around the estate. The use of brought attributes (such as play balls, skates, bicycles, scooters, skateboard, etc.) is not allowed in Hoenderdaell. These cannot be left at the entrance.
- b. Bringing (domestic) animals is not permitted to prevent the risk of infection and startle reactions. Guide dogs are allowed. If in doubt, a pass may be requested. Hoenderdaell does NOT offer any possibilities to temporarily house pets brought along.
- c. The possession and carrying of weapons or objects that may pose a danger (such as fireworks) is prohibited during the visit to the estate. Employees of Hoenderdaell (and/or the operator) are authorized to confiscate these weapons and objects and to remove the owner(s) from the estate.
- d. The deliberate noise and audible use of radios and other sound equipment is not permitted. In the event of deliberate noise, Hoenderdaell employees and/or the operator are authorised to confiscate the sound equipment.
Article 9. Animals and natural beauty
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, it is not allowed to feed and/or harass the animals on the estate or in the animal park. It is not allowed to damage the natural beauty (trees and plants, etc.) located on the estate. Furthermore, it is not allowed to go off the trails. Due to the startle reactions of our animals, it is not allowed to visit the estate dressed up.
Article 10. Waste
Waste must be deposited in the designated waste bins (separate waste collection), which can be found throughout the estate.
Article 11. Limitation of Liability
The visitor’s stay on the estate, respectively in the animal park, as well as the stay or use of the facilities, the animal enclosures, the parking lot, as well as mobility scooters (if available), is entirely at the visitor’s own risk.
- a. Hoenderdaell is not liable to the visitor (or third parties) for damage, loss and/or theft of property, nor is the visitor compensated if any demonstration on the estate or in the animal park does not take place, or the hunting simulator and/or other attractions are temporarily out of order.
- b. Hoenderdaell is not liable to the visitor (or third parties) for damage and/or bodily injury, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Hoenderdaell or one or more of its employees.
- c. Liability for damage other than damage to the visitor’s material property and bodily injury is excluded, including any form of indirect damage (including consequential damage).
- d. Any liability of Hoenderdaell is – to the extent permitted by law – per damaging event limited to the amount of an admission ticket that applies to the visitor in question at that time. However, if Hoenderdaell is insured in respect of the damage, liability will be limited to that amount paid out on the basis of Hoenderdaell’s liability insurance in the case in question, plus the deductible that Hoenderdaell must bear in this respect according to the applicable insurance policy(ies).
Article 12. Damage reports
If the visitor has inadvertently caused damage himself, the visitor must report this before leaving the estate. Hoenderdaell does not accept any liability for any damage suffered by a visitor, unless this damage is the direct result of intent or gross negligence by Hoenderdaell or one of its employees.
Liability for other damage is hereby expressly excluded. If the visitor himself has suffered damage during his visit to the estate (and/or the animal park), he or she must also report this to Hoenderdaell before leaving the estate (or animal park). Hoenderdaell is no longer liable for damage if the report takes place after leaving the estate (or parking lot).
Article 13. Other
In situations not provided for in the Visitor regulations, only Hoenderdaell’s management is authorised to decide and act.
Article 14. Conversion
If and insofar as any provision in these visitor regulations cannot be invoked on the grounds of reasonableness and fairness or the unreasonably onerous nature, then that provision has as much similar meaning as possible in terms of content and scope, so that it can be invoked.
Article 15. Partial nullity
If any provision of these visitor regulations does not apply or is contrary to public order or law, only the relevant provision will be considered not written, but the rest will remain in full force.