ANIMAL PARK IN NATURE About the animal park

Dierenpark Hoenderdaell

Stichting Leeuw
Don’t miss the lions and the tigers! Stichting Leeuw has the largest shelter for big cats in all of Europe, located here, on Dierenpark Hoenderdaell. With the only hunting simulator in the world (!) they teach these distressed animals hunting skills again. The hunt provides a release of energy, build-up of muscle strength and condition and that is good for rehabilitation. Many of these felines were unfortunately used for human entertainment.
Lions and tigers are not the only wild animals in the park. It is also home to large birds of prey, crocodiles, hyenas, wolves and bears! The animals have plenty of space and our visitors experience this together with them, during a wonderful day in the middle of nature.

Dierenpark Hoenderdaell is versatile: in one part there’s happy interaction and in other parts of the park you will be amazed by the diverse and wonderful animals that truly come from all corners of the world. For example, meet the tamandua or the Eurasian lynx, the Canadian eagle owl and the Malay pied marten. And if you want to take it easy like our sloths: enjoy a nice cup of coffee and some goodies in our restaurant. Or play monkey yourself and come and play in our playgrounds!
Landgoed Hoenderdaell, where our animal park is located, is a beautiful large reserve, and is also surrounded by a quiet area where nature lovers can truly taste the great outdoors while walking. You can spot breeding birds, discover fox tracks, and rheas and Scottish highlanders roam freely. The welfare of the animals and nature is always paramount to us in all forms.

SOS Dolfijn
That is why Dierenpark Hoenderdaell is not only the natural home to Stichting Leeuw, but also to SOS Dolfijn, with a hospital for small dolphin species, like the harbour porpoise. This organization is committed to the protection and conservation of cetaceans in the North and Wadden Seas. SOS Dolfijn offers education, research and help to porpoises, dolphins and whales in need that end up alive on the Dutch coast or are in danger of being stranded.
Will you come and visit? In Dierenpark Hoenderdaell you’ll feel as free as a bird, while enjoying our ethically sound bird demo, the extraordinary Dutch cloud landscapes and all those fascinating animals in their almost natural environment.
Arriving by car? Don’t worry, you can park it free and easy. There’s enough space.